From "Care Silos"
to "Care Convergence"

Seamless Chronic Condition Management

Bob and Tom’s healthcare journey’s provide compelling case studies illustrating the critical need for a unified healthcare solution that effectively leverages technology and brings care to patients rather than patients to doctors.

The sharp dichotomy between current care models and Intuidoc’s care model emphasizes the need for investments in real solutions to address systemic inefficiencies and offer improved patient outcome while generating unprecedented bottom line results.

Details and animated videos of Tom and Bob's patient journeys are below.

Tom's Traditional Primary Care Journey

Intuidoc followed and documented Tom’s healthcare journey through an internationally recognized academic medical center, beginning in December 2022, to reveal the systemic issues that continue to plague fragmented and segmented care delivery. 

This convoluted journey is emblematic of a system where segmentation delays care and inflates costs due to redundant facilities, systems, processes, and personnel. 

Despite technological advancements and federal mandates, the lack of integrated medical records across the healthcare continuum remains a significant barrier to safe and effective care.

Urgent as his needs were—running dangerously low on insulin, a vital medication for his type 1 diabetes—Tom encountered substantial delays at every turn. He faced long waits for appointments, had to repeat tests, and even found himself revisiting healthcare centers due to gaps in information. The earliest appointments with required specialists spanned anywhere from three weeks to three months.

The need for consultations with multiple specialists not only delayed Tom’s access to essential treatment but also contributed to increased costs and redundancy. His primary care provider (PCP) spent a mere ten minutes with him, directing him to various specialists for almost all his needs—from simple imaging tests to basic lab work that could have been conducted in-house. Even vaccines were outsourced to a CVS pharmacy.

In a world increasingly driven by digital solutions, the fragmented nature of Tom’s medical records was starkly evident. He consulted with doctors who utilized disparate electronic medical record systems, such as Epic, eClinicalWorks, and NextGen, which failed to interact with each other.

This siloed approach required Tom to repeatedly provide his medical history, creating a cyclical process that was not just inefficient but also risky, given the potential for medical errors due to incomplete or inconsistent information.

The cumulative impact of repeated visits, redundant tests, and multiple co-pays laid bare the financial burden of the antiquated system. The dispersed nature of Tom’s treatment—spread across multiple specialists, locations, and appointments—led to not only a draining experience but also inflated costs, further revealing the system’s inefficiency.

Although the cost associated with running each healthcare facility are typically viewed as unavoidable, each has its own set of non-clinical staff,  management, systems, space and capital expenditure to build, without adding value to patient care.

Despite the ubiquity of technology, the healthcare system failed to harness its full potential for seamless patient care. Tom’s attempts to navigate through apps and online platforms were stymied by inefficiencies and a lack of system integration. From scheduling appointments to filing insurance claims, the digital infrastructure was found wanting.

Moreover, despite having used a Continuous Glucose Sensor in the past, neither his PCP nor his endocrinologist discussed integrating the device with his electronic health record for remote monitoring.

Tom’s experience serves as a cautionary tale about the maze of challenges that even an insured, relatively healthy individual can face. These obstacles have serious implications for a patient’s overall well-being and life expectancy. For seniors or those with limited resources, these issues are exacerbated, potentially resulting in a lower quality of life or even premature death.

Bob's Care Journey with Intuidoc

Bob’s journey with Intuidoc highlights the transformative potential of a technologically-enabled, seamless healthcare delivery model that streamlines treatment and enhances patient outcomes. 

This revolutionary approach to healthcare that not only enhances patient experience but also streamlines healthcare delivery, ultimately reducing costs.  Intuidoc’s approach contrasts sharply with the fragmented, time-consuming, and often costly experience most patients face in the traditional healthcare system. 

As soon as Bob walks into Intuidoc, his medical history is promptly accessed, thanks to Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) which gather data from multiple sources, eliminating redundancy and administrative overhead and preventing medical errors. This seamless data sharing allows for a better understanding of the patient’s condition and immediate action.

Bob’s experience continued with real-time diagnostics for blood work and various tests like cholesterol levels. The use of a retinal scanner, and Ultra-Low Dose CT scanner, among other technologies, offer state-of-the-art diagnostic capabilities at the point-of-care facilitating timely interventions, preventing complications and reducing future healthcare costs.

At Intuidoc, primary care doctors become the quarterbacks of the patient’s healthcare journey, empowered by real-time data and collaborative support from on-site specialists. This approach minimizes delays, reduces redundancy, and ensures that care is timely, targeted, and efficient.

Dr. Thomas, the primary care doctor, acted swiftly based on real-time data, reducing the time Bob would have spent waiting for results, changes in prescriptions and follow-up appointments.

Specialists, like endocrinologists, pulmonologists, cardiologists and geriatricians, collaborate in real-time, either in-person or through telemedicine, ensuring comprehensive care, personalized care plans and immediate enrollment in patient monitoring programs.  

The Intuidoc app serves as a single, unified platform where Bob can monitor his vital statistics, medical results, and appointments. Bob is set up with a continuous glucose sensor and other remote monitoring devices, all synched to Intuidoc’s app and tracked through Intuidoc’s rewards system that incents healthy behaviors. 

With ongoing telehealth support and weekly meetings with Tyler, Bob is engaged in his health journey.  Wearable devices and sensors, monitor Bob’s vitals continuously, ensuring that any health anomalies are detected and addressed promptly, even if he has “fallen and he can’t get up”.

Bob receives a personalized care plan that is not only proactive but also anticipates needs much earlier than the reactive care commonly found in traditional settings.  By consolidating all healthcare services under one roof and using real-time, on-site diagnostic tools and remote monitoring, Intuidoc reduces costs associated with excess travel, administrative overhead, and delayed interventions.  

While not explicitly stated, it’s clear that by streamlining care, reducing emergency room visits, and proactively managing chronic conditions, Intuidoc’s model will likely the overall cost of healthcare delivery.

Direct Comparison of Traditional and Intuidoc Primary Care Models

Bob: Immediate access to healthcare services and real-time diagnostics.

Tom: Delayed care despite immediate needs, leading to health risks.

Bob: Integrated medical history through Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), real-time collaboration among healthcare providers.

Tom: Lack of integrated medical records across providers, resulting in inefficiencies and potential errors.

Bob: Unified service model with on-site diagnostics reduces touchpoints, travel, and overhead, ultimately lowering costs.

Tom: Segmented care inflates costs through redundant facilities, systems, and personnel.

Bob: High patient engagement through a unified app that offers real-time monitoring and telehealth support.

Tom: Low engagement due to disconnected care and lack of cohesive data management.

Bob: Effective use of technology like retinal and CT scanners, Continuous Glucose Sensors, and a unified app.

Tom: Ineffectual use of technology marked by lack of integration and poor interoperability.

Bob: High potential for family and community adoption due to positive patient experience.

Tom: Such a disjointed experience dissuades potential users, reducing the system’s appeal in the community.

Investors have a significant opportunity to back unified healthcare models like Intuidoc. The direct comparison between Bob and Tom’s journeys reveals a clear winner in terms of patient satisfaction, cost efficiency, and healthcare outcomes. By investing in transformative models, investors can catalyze a shift towards more streamlined, cost-effective, and patient-centric healthcare solutions.

Investing in companies that create a seamless healthcare experience not only addresses a critical market need but also offers significant returns on investment through cost savings, high user adoption, and potentially revolutionizing an outdated system. Given the issues highlighted in Tom’s experience, the market is ripe for a scalable solution that can address these glaring inefficiencies and improve patient outcomes.

Therefore, a unified healthcare approach isn’t merely a good-to-have; it’s an urgent need with promising financial and societal dividends.